General applications

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning The Comfort Factor

Using Quicklock couplings and fittings in comfort piping systems combines a number of advantages. The ease and swiftness of installation reduces the actual time needed on the jobsite. Furthermore, any “on the spot” changes in the piping system can be handled with Quicklock system. An airduct where your heating line should be? Using some extra 45° elbows takes brings you around any obstacle. Even mistakes in prefab can be corrected easily. By loosening the bolts and nuts, fittings can be simply rotated in the required direction, prior to filling the system and pressurizing.

Quicklock flexible couplings can also take care of misalignment. These extra degrees of angular deflection help you to compensate when needed. Thermal expansion? The use of flexible couplings offers you a few millimetres of movement per coupling. When correctly designed, you can save on the use of expansion joints. The noise and vibration that is generated by pumps and chillers is reduced by Quicklock couplings.

So by using Quicklock grooved products you do a lot more than you think. Not only have you just connected pipe, you have taken care of thermal expansion and contraction, misalignment and noise reduction. Working in confined spaces all of a sudden has become very easy. No longer do you have to move heavy equipment, or be afraid of welding sparks creating potential fires. Now, all you need is the space to operate a wrench and you have done it in the fastest possible way. Saving time and money!

Tunnels, Bridges and Mines, Under and Over

The construction of tunnels and bridges always requires a great deal of temporary piping. Piping needed to provide compressed air and water for drilling equipment. With Quicklock couplings and fittings, a quick method is offered to erect and dismantle great distances of piping with little time involved. Slurry drain lines to transport sand, rock and water are often concrete lined to prevent premature wear of the piping system.

By using Quicklock couplings, rotation of the pipework to ensure maximum use of the available lining has become very easy. Just loosening the bolts and nuts on two couplings offers the ability to rotate the pipe (never remove any piping components nor correct or modify any piping deficiencies without first depressurizing and draining the system). In tunnels or on bridges, Quicklock grooved products are used for drainage, drinking water, compressed air and fire protection. Here, flexible couplings are used enabling the pipework to follow changes in direction and the general course of the tunnel or bridge.

In mining, safety is the number one issue. Quicklock grooved products can be installed without having to use welding equipment or torches in a potentially hazardous environment. Here too, flexible couplings offer the ability to follow the terrain, without having to use special fittings to compensate for misalignment. By loosening two couplings, pipe lines can be replaced or modified and segments can be added without increased down time.

Industrial Applications, Safety First!

There are many reasons why Quicklock grooved products are so widely used in Industrial applications. One of the main reasons being that Quicklock couplings, fittings and valves can be installed without risk of fire or explosion. When conducting maintenance, the down time for system cleaning or changes of pipework is reduced to a minimum. By removing two couplings, entire sections of pipe can be replaced or altered.

In abrasive systems where lined piping is used, the loosening of two couplings (in many cases just 4 bolts and nuts) enables the rotation of pipe segments. By then rotating the pipe 45° optimal use can be made of the remaining inner protection.

In tank storage areas, Quicklock grooved products are often used to compensate ground settlement. The use of a number of flexible couplings in line offers the ability to deal with vertical movement of the pipe lines.

Temporary pipe lines can be quickly installed and disconnected, providing an easy and secure solution.

Quicklock grooved products can be used with all carbon steel piping, including galvanized pipe.

Snow-Making, the Cold Facts

In many ski resorts you will find Quicklock grooved products being used on the distribution piping feeding snow cannons. The advantages of quick installation, easy maintenance and most of all the ability to use flexible couplings that will follow the course of the terrain make Quicklock grooved products the “Number One Solution” for pipe connections. Whenever pipes are placed in trench it is imperative making the hydraulic test before covering the pipeline with soil.

Automotive, Mobility in Piping

In the automotive industry Quicklock couplings are used on virtually all systems. In addition to the heating and air-conditioning systems, couplings, valves and fittings are used on compressed air lines, drain and process lines and for fire protection. Using Quicklock products greatly reduces down-time when systems need to be serviced etc.